Our group investigates the design and manufacture of self-assembled and crystalline materials using innovative approaches for process control, integration, and model-based optimization. Typical applications involve high value-added products such as pharmaceuticals and advanced materials that are functionalized by tiny structural features. Our approach is both computational and experimental. The former typically includes model-based design and optimization studies whereas the latter involves experimental validation of novel concepts for process design, integration, and control.
Meet our group members, read more about our research, have a look at our publications, read the news, or join us!
The core expertise of our research group is in the modeling, design, optimization, and control of chemical products and processes. In particular, we adopt unique computational and experimental approaches to improve the design and manufacture of self-assembled and crystalline materials. We focus on separation and purification processes. Furthermore, we have leveraged our expertise to improve environmental processes. Currently, our research finds applications in continuous (bio)pharmaceutical crystallization and self-assembly of colloidal systems and DNA nanostructures.
1. Pharmaceutical crystallization
Crystallization is a crucial unit operation for many chemical processes. For example, a well-designed crystallization process enables intermediate compounds and active pharmaceutical ingredients with a high purity and stable crystalline solid state to be separated and purified in a single step in the pharmaceutical industry. Intrinsic quality attributes of crystals such as solid-state form, shape, and size distribution typically have a substantial impact on downstream processing and final product efficacy. A long-standing challenge in the field is to design and operate industrial crystallizers in such a way that crystals with desired quality attributes are produced in a single step. Furthermore, the performance and sustainability of solution crystallization processes depends on the choice of solvents. Another challenge in the field is to select optimal mixtures of solvents, which not only support efficient crystallization, but also enable optimal and sustainable operation of the process as a whole including unit operations for reaction, extraction, and distillation. More recent challenges include alignment with data-driven concepts such as quality-by-design and an expanding scope of crystallization in pharmaceutical industry towards larger biopharmaceuticals. In our research group we exploit general concepts from process intensification and the current transition from batch to continuous manufacturing in the pharmaceutical industry to address those challenges from a different angle.
Electric-field-assisted protein crystallization [30] |
Model-based design spaces for pharmaceutical crystallization [23] |
Integrated solvent and process design [27] |
Integrated continuous manufacturing of carrier-free inhalable drugs [36] |
CFD analysis of a novel tubular crystallizer [45] |
Continuous process optimization [38] |
2. Control and optimization of directed self-assembly
Materials with nano- and micro-scale structures have important applications in many engineering disciplines such as tissue engineering, computing, diagnostics, advanced functional materials, and chemical processing. To obtain the desired functionality and to avoid defects, the manufacture of such materials requires precise control over the formation of tiny structural features. Self-assembly is the association of molecules or particles into structures driven by non-covalent interaction forces. Self-assembly has great potential as a manufacturing technology as it proceeds spontaneously and, if the interaction forces can be well controlled, it allows for up to molecular spatial resolution. Two general challenges can be identified when harnessing self-assembly as synthesis method for advanced materials. First, non-covalent interaction forces need to be designed such that the material is thermodynamically stable in the desired structure. Second, once a desired structure has been identified, a suitable assembly process needs to developed to guide the self-assembly process. We have addressed the former challenge in the area of self-assembled DNA tiles using a novel optimization-based approach. The latter challenge is generally complicated by the stochastic nature, tendency for kinetic trapping, and lack of actuation of self-assembly systems. External fields can be used to manipulate the self-assembly process; a process which is often referred to as ‘directed’ self-assembly. We have developed novel automated control strategies for directed self-assembly of colloidal particles in microfluidic devices using electric fields as actuators, which has been published in a series of papers.
 Automated control of directed self-assembly [31] |
Our work featured on the cover of Lab on a Chip! |
Journal publications (Google Scholar):
- Gupta, D.; Mak, A.T.C.; Lakerveld, R. Intensified Solid-State Transformation During Anti-Solvent Cocrystallization in Flow. Chem. Eng. Process. 2024, in press, DOI: 10.1016/j.cep.2024.110108. (link).[free access link until Feb 4, 2025]
- Wu*, H.; Xu*, X.; Wei, B.; Lakerveld, R. Entropy-Driven Self-Assembly of DNA Origami Isomers. Small Structures 2024, 5(12), 2400220.(link) [.pdf (open access)] (* contributed equally)
- Lo, P.S.; Nisar, M.; Lakerveld, R. Temperature Cycling Induced Deracemization of p-Synephrine in the Presence of Degradation. ASC Omega 2024, in press, doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.4c06807.(link) [.pdf (open access)]
- Nyande, B.W.; Nagy, Z.K.; Lakerveld, R. Data-driven identification of crystallization kinetics. AIChE J. 2024, e18333.(link) [.pdf (open access)]
- Mendis, N.P.; Lakerveld, R. An In Vitro Model for Cocrystal Dissolution with Simultaneous Surface and Bulk Precipitation. Mol. Pharmaceutics 2023, 20(11), 5486–5499. (link)
- Mendis, N.P.; Li, J.; Lakerveld, R. Integrated Selection of Coformers, Solvents, and Operating Conditions for Optimal Process and Product Performance of Pharmaceutical Cocrystals. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2023, 62(33), 13081–13095. (link)
- Mendis, N.P.; Wang, J.; Lakerveld, R. A Workflow for Crystallization Process Design with Simultaneous Process Optimization and Solvent Selection based on the Perturbed-Chain Statistical Associating Fluid Theory. Chem. Ing. Tech. 2023, 95(3), 334-343. (link)
- Gupta, D.; Nyande, B.W.; Mathew Thomas, K.; Li, F.; Mak, A.T.C.; Lakerveld, R. Induced-Charge Electroosmosis for Rapid Mixing of Reactive Precipitation Systems to Obtain Small and Uniform Particles. Chem. Eng. Res. Des. 2023, 190, 715-729. (link)
- Wang, J.; Song, Z.; Lakerveld, R.; Zhou, T. Solvent Selection for Chemical Reactions toward Optimal Thermodynamic and Kinetic Performances: Group Contribution and COSMO-based Modeling. Fluid Phase Equilibria 2023, 564, 113623.(link) (Special Issue on Group contribution-based property prediction)
- Yi, Q.; Dai, X.; Park, B.M.; Gu, J.; Luo, J.; Wang, R.; Yu, C.; Kou, S.; Huang*, J.; Lakerveld*, R.; Sun*, F. Directed assembly of genetically engineered eukaryotic cells into living functional materials via ultrahigh-affinity protein interactions. Sci. Adv. 2022, 8(44), eade0073.(link) [.pdf (open access)] (* corresponding authors) (highlighted by The Scientist)(HKIE best paper award in materials 2023)
- Nyande, B.W.; Mathew Thomas, K.; Takarianto, A.A.; Lakerveld, R. Control of crystal size distribution in batch protein crystallization by integrating a gapped Kenics static mixer to flexibly produce seed crystals. Chem. Eng. Sci. 2022, 263, 118085.(link)
- Gao, Y.; Liu, K.; Lakerveld, R.; Ding, X. Staged Assembly of Colloids Using DNA and Acoustofluidics. Nano Lett. 2022, 22(17), 6907-6915.(link)
- Mendis, N.P.; Wang, J.; Lakerveld, R. Simultaneous Solvent Selection and Process Design for Continuous Reaction–Extraction–Crystallization Systems. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2022, 61(31), 11504–11517. (link)
- Kwon, S.; Lakerveld, R. Impact of Cooling Profile on Batch Emulsion Solution Crystallization. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2022, 61(30), 11108–11115. (link) (Highlighted by OPR&D)
- Mathew Thomas*, K.; Nyande*, B.W.; Lakerveld, R. Design and Characterization of Kenics Static Mixer Crystallizers. Chem. Eng. Res. Des. 2022, 179, 549-563. (link) (* contributed equally) (Editor's Choice; Special Issue on Advances in Continuous Crystallization)
- Wong, S.N.; Weng, J.; Ip, I.C.W.; Chen, R.; Lakerveld, R.; Blagden, N.; Scowen, I.J.; Chow, S.F. Rational Development of a Carrier-Free Dry Powder Inhalation Formulation for Respiratory Viral Infections via Quality by Design: A Drug-Drug Cocrystal of Favipiravir and Theophylline. Pharmaceutics. 2022, 14(2), 300. (link open access)
- Kwon, S.; Mathew Thomas, K.; Lakerveld, R. Integrated membrane emulsification and solution cooling crystallization to obtain a narrow and predictable crystal size distribution. Chem. Eng. Process. 2022, 171, 108751. (link)
- Xuan, B.; Chen, Y.C.S.; Wong, K.C.; Chen, R.; Lo, P.S.; Lakerveld, R.; Tong, H.H.Y.; Chow, S.F. Impact of cocrystal solution-state stability on cocrystal dissociation and polymorphic drug recrystallization during dissolution Int. J. Pharm. 2021, 610, 121239. (link)
- Kang, H.; Lin, T.; Xu, X.; Jia*, Q.S.; Lakerveld*, R.; Wei*, B. DNA dynamics and computation based on toehold-free strand displacement. Nat. Commun. 2021, 12, 4994. (open access link) (* corresponding authors)
- Capdevila-Echeverria, J.; Wang, J.; Lakerveld, R.; Ter Horst, J.H. Process modeling and optimization of continuous chiral resolution by integration of membrane and crystallization technologies. J. Membr. Sci. 2021, 632, 119359. (link)
- Nyande*, B.W.; Mathew Thomas*, K.; Lakerveld, R. CFD Analysis of a Kenics Static Mixer with a Low Pressure Drop under Laminar Flow Conditions. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2021, 60(14), 5264–5277.(link) (* contributed equally)
- Mathew Thomas, K.; Kwon, S.; Lakerveld, R. Continuous Protein Crystallization in Mixed-Suspension Mixed-Product-Removal Crystallizers. Cryst. Growth Des. 2021, 21(2), 757-769.(link)
- Chen, R.; Weng, J.; Chow, S.F.; Lakerveld, R. Integrated Continuous Crystallization and Spray Drying of Insulin for Pulmonary Drug Delivery. Cryst. Growth Des. 2021, 21(1), 501–511. (link)
- Fajrial, A.K.; Liu, K.; Gao, Y.; Gu, J.; Lakerveld, R.; Ding, X. Characterization of Single-Cell Osmotic Swelling Dynamics for New Physical Biomarkers. Anal. Chem. 2021, 93(3), 1317-1325.(link)
- Wang, J.; Cao, W.; Zhu, L.; Wang, J.; Lakerveld, R. Emulsion-assisted cooling crystallization of ibuprofen. Chem. Eng. Sci. 2020, 226, 115861.(link)
- Gao, Y.; Nyande, B.W.; Lakerveld, R. Open-loop control of directed self-assembly of colloidal particles in a microfluidic device. Comput. Chem. Eng. 2020, 139, 106837. (link)
- Wang, J.; Li, J.; Cao, W.; Zhu, L.; Lakerveld, R. An ion-specific electrolyte non-random two-liquid segment activity coefficient model with improved predictive capabilities for aqueous electrolyte solutions. Fluid Phase Equilibria 2020, 517(1), 112605.(link)
- Wang, J.; Zhu, L.; Lakerveld, R. A Hybrid Framework for Simultaneous Process and Solvent Optimization of Continuous Anti-Solvent Crystallization with Distillation for Solvent Recycling. Processes 2020, 8(1), 63-74.(link) (open-access) (Feature Paper)
- Mathew Thomas, K.; Lakerveld, R. An Airlift Crystallizer for Protein Crystallization. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2019, 58(44), 20381-20391.(link) (among the five most-read articles of the journal in November 2019)
- Hadiwinoto, G.D.; Kwok, P.C.L.; Tong, H.H.Y.; Wong, S.N.; Chow, S.F.; Lakerveld, R. Integrated Continuous Plug-Flow Crystallization and Spray Drying of Pharmaceuticals for Dry Powder Inhalation. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2019, 58(36), 16843-16857.(link) (Special issue featuring the 2019 class of influential researchers)
- Gao, Y.; Lakerveld, R. Feedback Control for Shaping Density Distributions of Colloidal Particles in Microfluidic Devices. Lab Chip 2019, 19(13), 2168-2177. (link)(highlighted on the Inside front cover)
- Weng, J.; Wong, S.N.; Xu, X.; Xuan, B.; Wang, C.; Chen, R.; Sun, C.C.; Lakerveld, R.; Kwok, P.C.L.; Chow, S.F. Cocrystal Engineering of Itraconazole with Suberic acid via Rotary Evaporation and Spray Drying. Cryst. Growth. Des. 2019, 19(5), 2736-2745. (link)
- Gao, Y.; Lakerveld, R. Gain Scheduling PID Control for Directed Self-assembly of Colloidal Particles in Microfluidic Devices. AIChE J. 2019, 65, e16582. (link)
- Khodadadian, F.; De La Garza, F.G.; Van Ommen, J. R.; Stankiewicz, A. I.; Lakerveld, R. The Application of Automated Feedback and Feedforward Control to a LED-based Photocatalytic Reactor. Chem. Eng. J. 2019, 362, 375-382. (link)
- Gao, Y.; Lakerveld, R. Feedback Control for Defect-free Alignment of Colloidal Particles. Lab Chip 2018, 18, 2099-2110. (link)
- Li, F.; Lakerveld, R. Electric-field-assisted protein crystallization in continuous flow. Cryst. Growth Des. 2018, 18(5), 2964-2971. (link)
- Wang, J.; Fei, L.; Lakerveld, R. Process Intensification for Pharmaceutical Crystallization. Chem. Eng. Process. 2018, 127, 111-126. (link)(Invited - Special Issue on Process Intensification for Advanced Materials Synthesis)(among the most read papers of the journal for 12+ months)
- Nisar, M.; Sung, H.H.Y.; Puschmann, H.; Lakerveld, R.; Haynes, R.; Williams, I.D. 11-Azaartemisinin cocrystals with preserved lactam: acid heterosynthons. CrystEngComm 2018, 20(9), 1205-1219. (link)(Inside cover)
- Wang, J.; Lakerveld, R. Integrated Solvent and Process Design for Continuous Crystallization and Solvent Recycling using PC-SAFT. AIChE J. 2018, 64(4), 1205–1216. (link)
- Khodadadian, F.; De Boer, M.W.; Poursaeidesfahani, A.; Van Ommen, J. R.; Stankiewicz, A. I.; Lakerveld, R. Design, characterization and model validation of a LED-based photocatalytic reactor for gas phase applications. Chem. Eng. J. 2018, 333, 456-466. (link)
- Hadiwinoto, G.D.; Kwok*, P.C.L.; Lakerveld*, R. A review on recent technologies for the manufacture of pulmonary drugs. Ther. Deliv. 2017, 9(1), 47-70.(link)
- Li, F.; Lakerveld, R. The influence of alternating electric fields on protein crystallization in microfluidic devices with patterned electrodes in a parallel-plate configuration. Cryst. Growth Des. 2017, 17(6), 3062–3070. (link)
- Wang, J.; Lakerveld, R. Continuous Membrane-Assisted Crystallization to Increase the Attainable Product Quality of Pharmaceuticals and Design Space for Operation. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2017, 56(19), 5705–5714.(link)
- Gao, Y.; Mi, Y.; Lakerveld, R. An optimization-based approach for structural design of self-assembled DNA tiles. AIChE J. 2017, 63(6), 1804-1817.(link)
- Mesbah, A.; Paulson, J.;Lakerveld, R.; Braatz, R.D. Model Predictive Control of an Integrated Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Pilot Plant. Org. Process Res. Dev. 2017, 21(6), 844–854. (link)
- Khodadadian, F.; Poursaeidesfahani, A.; Li, Z.; Van Ommen, J. R.; Stankiewicz, A. I.; Lakerveld, R. Model-based Optimization of a Photocatalytic Reactor with Light-Emitting Diodes. Chem. Eng. Technol. 2016, 39(10), 1946-1954. (link)
Before joining HKUST
- Kacker, R.; Salvador, P.M.; Sturm, G.S.J.; Stefanidis, G.D.; Lakerveld, R.; Nagy, Z.K.; Kramer, H.J.M. Microwave Assisted Direct Nucleation Control for Batch Crystallization: Crystal Size Control with Reduced Batch Time. Cryst. Growth Des. 2016, 16(1), 440-446. (link)
- Ramaswamy, S.; Lakerveld, R.; Barton, P.I.; Stephanopoulos, G. Controlled Formation of Nanostructures with Desired Geometries: Part 3. Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of Directed Self-Assembly of Nanoparticles through Adaptive Finite State Projection. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2015, 54(16), 4371-4384. (link)
- Lakerveld, R.; Benyahia, B.; Heider, P.L.; Zhang, H.; Wolfe, A.; Testa, C.J.; Ogden, S.; Hersey, D.R.; Mascia, S.; Evans, J.M.B.; Braatz, R.D.; Barton, P.I. The application of an automated control strategy for an integrated continuous pharmaceutical pilot plant. Org. Process Res. Dev. 2015, 19(9), 1088-1100. (link)
- Lakerveld, R.; Van Krochten, J.J.H.; Kramer, H.J.M. An air-lift crystallizer can suppress secondary nucleation at a higher supersaturation compared to a stirred crystallizer. Cryst. Growth Des. 2014 , 14(7), 3264-3275. (link)
- Lakerveld, R.; Sturm, G.S.J.; Stankiewicz, A.I.; Stefanidis, G.D. Integrated design of microwave and photocatalytic reactors. Where are we now? Curr. Opin. Chem. Eng. 2014 5,37-41. (link)
- Zhang, H.; Lakerveld, R.; Heider, P.L.; Tao, M.; Su, M.; Testa, C.; D'Antonio, A.; Barton, P.I.; Braatz, R.D.; Trout, B.L.; Myerson, A.S.; Jensen, K.F.; Evans, J.M.B. Application of continuous crystallization in an integrated continuous pharmaceutical pilot plant. Cryst. Growth Des. 2014, 14(5), 2148-2157. (link)
- Heider, P.L.; Born, S.C.; Basak, S.; Benyahia, B.; Lakerveld, R.; Zhang, H.; Hogan, R.; Buchbinder, L.; Wolfe, A.; Mascia, S.; Evans, J.M.B.; Jamison, T.F.; Jensen, K.F. Development of a Multi-Step Synthesis and Workup Sequence for an Integrated, Continuous Manufacturing Process of a Pharmaceutical. Org. Process Res. Dev. 2014, 18(3), 402-4093. (within the Top 20 of most read articles of February 2014 in OPRD) (link)
- Lakerveld, R.; Benyahia, B.; Heider, P.L., Zhang, H.; Braatz, R.D.; Barton, P.I. Averaging Level Control to Reduce Off-Spec Material in a Continuous Pharmaceutical Pilot Plant. Processes 2013, 1(3), 330–348. (Feature paper)(link)
- Mascia, S.; Heider, P.L.; Zhang, H.; Lakerveld, R.; Benyahia, B.; Barton, P.I.; Braatz, R.D.; Cooney, C.L.; Evans, J.M.B.; Jamison, T.F.; Jensen, K.F.; Myerson, A.S.; Trout, B.L. End-to-End Continuous Manufacturing of Pharmaceuticals: Integrated Synthesis, Purification, and Final Dosage Formation. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52(47), 12359-12363. ('Hot' paper, highlighted in Nature) (link)
- Lakerveld, R.; Benyahia, B.; Braatz, R.D.; Barton, P.I. Model-based design of a plant-wide control strategy for a continuous pharmaceutical plant. AIChE J. 2013, 59(10), 3671–3685. (link)
- Lakerveld, R.; Stephanopoulos, G.; Barton, P. I. A master-equation approach to simulate kinetic traps during directed self-assembly. Journal of Chemical Physics 2012, 136 (18). (link)
- Soare, A.; Lakerveld, R.; van Royen, J.; Zocchi, G.; Stankiewicz, A. I.; Kramer, H. J. M. Minimization of Attrition and Breakage in an Airlift Crystallizer. Industrial Engineering Chemistry Research. 2012, 51 (33), 10895-10909. (link)
- Benyahia, B.; Lakerveld, R.; Barton, P. I. A Plant-Wide Dynamic Model of a Continuous Pharmaceutical Process. Industrial Engineering Chemistry Research. 2012, 51 (47), 15393-15412. (link)
- Lakerveld, R.; Verzijden, N. G.; Kramer, H.; Jansens, P.; Grievink, J. Application of Ultrasound for Start-Up of Evaporative Batch Crystallization of Ammonium Sulfate in a 75-L Crystallizer. AIChE Journal 2011, 57 (12), 3367-3377. (link)
- Lakerveld, R.; Kramer, H. J. M.; Stankiewicz, A. I.; Grievink, J. Application of generic principles of process intensification to solution crystallization enabled by a task-based design approach. Chemical Engineering and Processing 2010, 49 (9), 979-991.(link)
- Lakerveld, R.; Kuhn, J.; Kramer, H. J. M.; Jansens, P. J.; Grievink, J. Membrane assisted crystallization using reverse osmosis: Influence of solubility characteristics on experimental application and energy saving potential. Chemical Engineering Science 2010, 65 (9), 2689-2699.(link)
- Lakerveld, R.; Kramer, H. J. M.; Jansens, P. J.; Grievink, J. The application of a task-based concept for the design of innovative industrial crystallizers. Computers & Chemical Engineering 2009, 33 (10), 1692-1700.(link)
- Kuhn, J.; Lakerveld, R.; Kramer, H. J. M.; Grievink, J.; Jansens, P. J. Characterization and Dynamic Optimization of Membrane-Assisted Crystallization of Adipic Acid. Industrial Engineering Chemistry Research. 2009, 48 (11), 5360-5369.(link)
- Lakerveld, R.; Bildea, C. S.; Almeida-Rivera, C. P. Exothermic isomerization reaction in a reactive flash: Steady-state behavior. Industrial Engineering Chemistry Research. 2005, 44 (10), 3815-3822.(link)
Book chapters:
- Lakerveld, R.; Benyahia, B. Process Control. Chapter 4. The Handbook of Continuous Crystallization (editors: Nima Yazdanpanah & Zoltan Nagy), Royal Society of Chemistry, 2020, ISBN: 978-1788012140, (forthcoming: 21 February 2020).
- Stelzer, T.; Lakerveld, R.; Myerson, A.S. Process Intensification in Continuous Crystallization. Chapter 10. The Handbook of Continuous Crystallization (editors: Nima Yazdanpanah & Zoltan Nagy), Royal Society of Chemistry, 2020, ISBN: 978-1788012140, (forthcoming: 21 February 2020).
- Kramer, H.J.M.; Lakerveld, R. Selection and design of industrial crystallizers. Chapter 7 in Handbook of Industrial Crystallization, 3rd edition, Cambridge University Press, 2019, ISBN: 9781139026949.
- Lakerveld, R.; Control system implementation and plant-wide control of continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing pilot plant (end-to-end manufacturing process). Chapter 16 in Process Systems Engineering for Pharmaceutical Manufacturing. Elsevier, 2018, ISBN: 978-0-444-63963-9.
- Lakerveld, R.; Heider, P. L.; Jensen, K. D.; Braatz, R. D.; Jensen, K. F.; Myerson, A. S.; Trout, B. L.; End-to-End Continuous Manufacturing: Integration of Unit Operations. Chapter 13 in Continuous Manufacturing of Pharmaceuticals. Wiley-Blackwell, 2017, ISBN: 978-1-119-00132-4.
- Khodadadian, F.; Nasalevich, M.; Kapteijn, F.; Stankiewicz, A.I.; Lakerveld, R.; Gascon, J. Photocatalysis: Past achievements and future trends. Chapter 8. RSC Green Chemistry. Volume 2016-January, Issue 47, 2016, Pages 227-269.
Selected papers in peer-reviewed conference proceedings:
- Mendis, N.P.; Lakerveld, R. A Thermodynamic Approach for Simultaneous Solvent, Coformer, and Process Optimization of Continuous Cocrystallization Processes. Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering, 2022, in press.
- Mendis, N.P.; Wang, J.; Lakerveld, R. A Thermodynamic Approach for Simultaneous Solvent and Process Design of Continuous Reactive Crystallization with Recycling. Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering 48, 2020, 805-810.
- Gao, Y.; Lakerveld, R. Automated open-loop control of directed selfassembly with multiple electrokinetic actuators in microfluidic devices. Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering 46, 2019, 43–48.
- Nyande, B.W.; Gao, Y.; Lakerveld, R. A dynamic model for automated control of directed self-assembly of colloidal particles at low densities. Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering 46, 2019, 1783–1788.
- Gao, Y.; Lakerveld, R. Experimental Validation of Scheduled PID Control for Directed Self-Assembly of Colloidal Particles in Microfluidic Devices. Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering (PSE 2018), July 1 - July 4, 2018, San Diego, CA, USA, 2455–2460.
- Wang, J.; Lakerveld, R. Integrated Solvent and Process Optimization Using PC-SAFT for Continuous Crystallization with Energy-intensive Solvent Separation for Recycling. Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering (PSE 2018), July 1 - July 4, 2018, San Diego, CA, USA, 1051–1056.
- R. Lakerveld, B. Benyahia, P.L. Heider, H. Zhang, A. Wolfe, C.J. Testa, S. Ogden, D.R. Hersey, S. Mascia, J.M.B. Evans, R.D. Braatz, P.I. Barton, The Application of an Automated Plant-wide Control Strategy for a Continuous Pharmaceutical Pilot Plant. Proceedings of the 2014 American Control Conference, June 04-June 06, 2014, Portland, Oregon, USA, 3512-3517.
- R. Lakerveld, G. Stephanopoulos, P.I. Barton, Robust fabrication of non-periodic nanoscale systems via directed self-assembly. Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering 29, 2011, 1603-1607.
- R. Lakerveld, H.J.M. Kramer, P.J. Jansens, J. Grievink, The application of a task-based concept for design of innovative industrial crystallizers. PSE 2009 Conference Proceedings, Salvador, Brazil, 2009.
- R. Lakerveld, H.J.M. Kramer, A.I. Stankiewicz, P.J. Jansens, J. Grievink, Opportunities for process intensification in crystallization: application of air-mixed devices, ultrasound & membranes. EPIC 2009 Conference Proceedings, Venice, Italy, 2009.
- R. Lakerveld, H.J.M. Kramer, P.J. Jansens and J. Grievink, The Application of a Task Based Design Approach to Solution Crystallization. FOCAPD Conference Proceedings, Breckenridge, Colorado, United States, 2009.
- R. Lakerveld, H.J.M. Kramer, P.J. Jansens, J. Grievink, A task based design approach for solution crystallization. BIWIC 2008 Conference Proceedings, Magdeburg, Germany, 2008, 95-102.
- R. Lakerveld, H.J.M. Kramer, P.J. Jansens, J. Grievink, A Task Based Design Approach for Solution Crystallization. 17th International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization Conference Proceedings, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 2008, 27-34.
- R. Lakerveld, H.J.M. Kramer, P.J. Jansens, J. Grievink, Solution Crystallization in a Bubble Column. Optimization of the task: Crystal Growth, 17th International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization Conference Proceedings, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 2008, 819-826.
- R. Lakerveld, J. Kuhn, M.A. Bosch, H.J.M. Kramer, P.J. Jansens, J. Grievink, Membrane Assisted Evaporative Crystallization: Optimization of Task Supersaturation Generation, 17th International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization Conference Proceedings, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 2008, 827-834.
- R. Lakerveld, P.G. Verzijden, H.J.M. Kramer, P.J. Jansens, J. Grievink, The Application of Ultrasound for Seeding Purposes Optimization of the task: Nucleation, 17th International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization Conference Proceedings, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 2008, 835-842.
- R. Lakerveld, H.J.M. Kramer, P.J. Jansens, J. Grievink, The application of a task-based concept for the design of innovative industrial crystallizers. 18th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering Conference Proceedings, Lyon, France 2008, 103-108.
- R. Lakerveld, A.N. Kalbasenka, H.J.M. Kramer, P.J. Jansens, J. Grievink, The application of different seeding techniques for solution crystallization of ammonium sulphate. BIWIC 2007 Conference Proceedings, Cape Town, South Africa, 2007, 221-228.
- R. Lakerveld, M.E. Djatmiko, H.J.M. Kramer, P.J. Jansens, J. Grievink, Task based design techniques for solution crystallisation processes: application to a bubble column setup. BIWIC 2006 Conference Proceedings, Delft, The Netherlands, 2006, 114 – 121.
Postdoctoral Associate
We have open vacancies in our group for Postdoctoral Associates in the general research areas of protein crystallization. Candidates should be highly motivated and should have a PhD degree in chemical engineering or related discipline with experience in crystallization. The postdoctoral researcher is expected to lead his/her project and to train students working in the lab. This is a one-year term appointment with the possibility of renewal based upon satisfactory job performance and continuing availability of funds. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Qualified candidates should send a brief description of their research interests and previous research experience along with their CV including the contact details of two or three referees to r.lakerveld@ust.hk.
Postgraduate Students
Vacancies for fully funded postgraduate positions are available (PhD or MPhil)! If you have shown academic excellence at a reputable university, are highly motivated, and you have an interest in Chemical Engineering in general, and in the research of our group in particular, please contact Prof. Lakerveld directly for enquiries. Please use an institutional email address if possible to avoid that your email will be flagged as junk email automatically.
HKUST is a modern, English-speaking, top-ranked University in Asia. HKUST’s School of Engineering consistently ranks among the top 25 programs in the world. Prof. Lakerveld’s research interests are in the field of Process Systems Engineering. In particular, the focus of the group is on the design and control of processes that involve the production of structured materials. Such processes are typically driven by crystallization or directed self-assembly. Research interests span from controlled assembly of individual building blocks into specific structures on a small scale to optimal integration of unit operations into continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing systems on a large scale.
Candidates should have a BEng or MSc degree (or equivalent) in chemical engineering or related discipline. Sufficient proficiency in the English language is required as demonstrated by an internationally recognized English test score. Extracurricular activities and international exposure are appreciated.
Outstanding applicants will be considered for the highly generous and prestigious Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (current stipend of HK$25,800/month plus additional awards and travel allowances). Please see the following link for details on the HKPFS or please contact Prof. Lakerveld for enquiries.